Monday, November 5, 2012

My arms reach out to Hug You across the internet, with Love.

Psst. Psssst….. Hey…. Hey you, 
Yes you who is reading at this moment now this text
I mean you… Only you…  I can really see you…
You don’t believe me?????

I will describe you….
You are a very sensitive, sweet and touching person
You have so much love in your heart. 
And it is so hard to give your love to somebody else

Because nobody really speaks your language
Your language of love
Because your love is so touching,
Because your love is so beautiful,

And because your love is so very touching and so special beautiful,
People get afraid of you, try to hide for you, 
Pretend they don’t hear you….
Pretend they don’t see you….

But they see you…... And they hear you… 
And deep in their heart they love you….
But fear scares them away.
How I see all this??????

Hmmmm… Just a little magic..
If have hidden myself between these words
You can’t see me, but I can see you…
Yes I see you so clearly…

You are really very beautiful…You are very touching….
You are unique and so very, very special….
So much love I see in you…..
Can you feel me????

Just a little bit between my words
Because with a little magic…
 I have hidden myself between all my words
Yes??? Do  you feel me???

Because I just have  laid my arms very carefully around you
Like I am protecting you, like I give you shelter
And I whisper my name into your warm beating heart
I believe Onlyinlove….

I love you…………………………………..

Ibelieve Onlyinlove

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